Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mr. Hahn

¡Holas, gente!
Lo primero un mensaje para Cris: Porfa no me pises el post.
Y bueno vayamos al grano que el tiempo es oro o eso dicen... Estando yo aburrida y eso (vaya novedad) pues me puse a visitar los blogs de los miembros de Linkin Park y bueno me hizo gracia la biografía que tiene Mr. Hahn en el suyo:

After landing on Earth in 1977. Joe Hahn decided to take on the appearance of a Korean living in the mysterious land of America. Here he developed his Kung Fu training, which later proved to be useless in life. He quickly decided to move away from Texas into the hispanic terrains, known as California. In his effort to acclimate to the normal world, he decided to open up a store. Since there were too many liguor stores getting burned down at the time. Joe decided to get into the world of fashion. The name under which is called SURU (named after the galaxy of which he originated). At the new SURU, Joe found delight in indulging in the immaturities of life. Such as vinyl toys and pretending to be cool in front of other people pretending to be cool. Mr. Hahn is in Linkin Park. Mr. Hahn owns SURU. Mr. Hahn is an artist. Mr. Hahn is a director. Mr. Hahn is a DJ/ Musician. Word.

XD me encanta este hombre esta como una cabra XD
Y bueno, en realidad era solo eso... me aburro demasido...ajem... Os dejo aquí el link del blog de Mr. Hahn por si quereis echarle un vistazo ;)
~~ つばき あかし~~

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